WHICH television show???????

I just got another call from Tricia, and she wants us to send her some gift baskets to be used on a television show she's working on. I really don't watch a lot of TV, but it happens to be my most favorite show - how cool is that?
I have to say, I wouldn't have ever imagined that Hollywood product placement would be a tool we would be using to publicize our business...but I'm not complaining! In between planning for our "make or break" 4th quarter, I'm laying the groundwork for our PR campaign. I've started sending out press releases, and I got a nice email back from Amy Robbins, the fun and fabulous radio personality from 93Q. She is interested in doing an on-air interview when the release date of the movie gets a little closer. It's a good start, but I've still got lots of work to do. This is a phenomenal opportunity, but nobody is dropping a million dollar contract in our laps - it's completely up to us to work every angle and make the most of it.
I'm reminded of Peggy Pointkowski, the founder of Sassy Scrubs. They were a local company that produced fun patterned nurse's scrubs, and they sent samples to the producers of "ER" back when it first came out. Peggy parlayed that into a ton of media coverage, including a mention in the National Enquirer. And (as she likes to say) - she got to touch George Clooney.
We're trying to come up with some creative promotional ideas for our "movie debut". I've mentioned having a screening at the Palace Theatre (which is a beautifully restored historic theatre right in our neighborhood), but I want to make it even more of an event - maybe have a drawing for a super-sized gift basket displayed in the lobby, or a fun give-away to the first 50 people in the door. We could rent a red carpet and stanchions to put at the entrance of the theatre. I was also thinking we could offer a special discount for anyone who comes in with a ticket stub from the film and we may design a line of gifts that are the same as the ones that will be seen in the movie.
Now we've got the television show coming up too. It will air this fall, long before the movie is released - which is a good thing, because patience is NOT a virtue I am blessed with . It opens up other possiblities to tie into that. We'll announce the details as soon as we have them....
We're looking for any and all suggestions, so send us your comments and ideas - the crazier the better! I read "Buzzmarketing" on the flight out to LA a few weeks ago, and it was truly inspiring. The author, Mark Hughes, was involved in the launch of Half.com, and they did some really creative things to get people talking about their company - including renaming a small town from "Halfway" to "Half.com" (which scored incredible media coverage), advertising on urinal screens and on the little peanut bags that NYC street venders sell. The company was bought out by eBay for a VERY nice sum. No, I don't think urinal screens are the right place for us to put our name - but you get the idea. We'll award PRIZES for the best ideas we receive.
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